Index >> Software

Featured URLs in this category:

iPhone / iPod / iPad Ham Radio Software
Recently developed software for ham radio. 1) UK Repeaters UK Repeaters by map and text with location tracking 2) Antenna Calculator Calculate Antenna lengths on the fly 3) Ham Utility Band Plan, Q-Codes, Solar Activity, QRZ lookup

URLs listed in this category:

AB3AP Software
Software control of Elecraft K2 transceiver and W1 power meter, written in Java.

iPhone / iPod / iPad Ham Radio Software
Recently developed software for ham radio. 1) UK Repeaters UK Repeaters by map and text with location tracking 2) Antenna Calculator Calculate Antenna lengths on the fly 3) Ham Utility Band Plan, Q-Codes, Solar Activity, QRZ lookup

Ham Log program written in Java that can run on all major platforms. Features real-time logging with eQSL and LoTW, DX Cluster tracking, QRZ and US FCC lookups, Built-in CW Keyer, CAT control for many popular rigs .

LiHaLo: Linux Ham Logbook
Full featured logging software that runs on an Apache web server using PHP and MySQL. Runs on a Linux box, but could probably run on Apache under Windows as well.

Mom 'N' Pop's Software and CD Roms
Large selection of Ham Radio, Electronic, Educational, Religious, Spiritual, Games, Family, and other software and CD Roms. FREE catalog and discount coupon. Great clearance selection,weather, links and more.